A typical social networking toolbar would look like this:
This is the HTML code which you would have to insert into your template to get exactly the toolbar above:
<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style">
<a class="addthis_button_email" title="Email"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_print" title="Print"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_twitter" title="Tweet This"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_facebook" title="Share to Facebook"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_myspace" title="Share to MySpace"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_stumbleupon" title="StumbleUpon"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_digg" title="Digg This"></a>
<span class="addthis_separator">|</span>
<a class="addthis_button_expanded" title="More Choices">More</a><script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>
To install this toolbar in a blogger template you would paste this code typically below this line:
<p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'/>
You can put any social network there and completely customize the toolbar. This is the way to set the destination (social network) and the icon:You can find about 230 more destination codes on the addthis services list.
Addthis offers an analytics feature which you can use if you register with addthis. Note that it is optional to register. The analytics feature shows most used services on your blog, bookmarked content, and where people came from who bookmarked. If you want to see this you should add your addthis username to the script call like this:
By default, the language of the visitor's browser is recognized and your toolbox is adapted correspondingly. If you want to use always a particular language, you can also do it.
Most Popular Social Networks
Ok, now which social networks should you choose? As of now, according to addthis data from the last 180 days, internationally these social bookmarking sites were most used:On the same page you can also see the most popular social network sites for specific countries and also upcoming social bookmarking sites. As of December 2009 sites with most gains of usage are Sonico, meinVZ, Nujij, OKNOtizie, and orkut.
Now that you have a great toolbar, you are one step closer to success.
Success in social networks depends on many factors. You might want to read my summary of scientific studies about digg, called How Digg Works to get a better idea about these factors.
I hope this post was useful to you. Which social networks would you want to put in such a toolbar?