To install this toolbar in a blogger template you would paste this code typically below this line:
<p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'/>
You can put any social network there and completely customize the toolbar. This is the way to set the destination (social network) and the icon:
<a class="addthis_button_destination code"></a>
You can find about 230 more destination codes on the addthis services list.
Addthis offers an analytics feature which you can use if you register with addthis. Note that it is optional to register. The analytics feature shows most used services on your blog, bookmarked content, and where people came from who bookmarked. If you want to see this you should add your addthis username to the script call like this:
By default, the language of the visitor's browser is recognized and your toolbox is adapted correspondingly. If you want to use always a particular language, you can also do it.
Most Popular Social Networks
Ok, now which social networks should you choose? As of now, according to addthis data from the last 180 days, internationally these social bookmarking sites were most used:
On the same page you can also see the most popular social network sites for specific countries and also upcoming social bookmarking sites. As of December 2009 sites with most gains of usage are Sonico, meinVZ, Nujij, OKNOtizie, and orkut.
Now that you have a great toolbar, you are one step closer to success.
Success in social networks depends on many factors. You might want to read my summary of scientific studies about digg, called How Digg Works to get a better idea about these factors.
I hope this post was useful to you. Which social networks would you want to put in such a toolbar?
PayPal requires that you use the following buttons and messages when implementing Express Checkout. Please review the Express Checkout Integration Guide for complete instructions.
Express Checkout Button
When PayPal is placed as the first step of your checkout process, use the Express Checkout button as displayed below.
Copy and paste this HTML code like you would with normal text:
PayPal with other Payment Methods
When PayPal is positioned with other payment methods, PayPal recommends you include the PayPal logo along with the message displayed below.
Note: The HTML code only contains the PayPal logo and the related message.
Copy and paste this HTML code like you would with normal text:
It is a One Level Drop-Down Menu with Timeout effect.
If you are looking for advanced script, see the Multi-Level Drop-Down Menu based on simple treelike unordered list.
Internet has a lot of scripts with the name "Drop Down Menu". One day I needed to make such menu for my site. I have rummaged a heap of sites and archives with scripts. And not found what I looked for. On the Net scripts shared on two variants. The first - utterly worthless scripts. The second - too complex heap up and chargeable.
Insert this code between your <head></head> tags. Look to the code for the comments:
// Copyright 2006-2007 javascript-array.comvar timeout = 500;
var closetimer = 0;
var ddmenuitem = 0;
// open hidden layerfunctionmopen(id)
{// cancel close timer
// close old layerif(ddmenuitem) = 'hidden';
// get new layer and show it
ddmenuitem = document.getElementById(id); = 'visible';
// close showed layerfunctionmclose()
{if(ddmenuitem) = 'hidden';
// go close timerfunctionmclosetime()
closetimer = window.setTimeout(mclose, timeout);
// cancel close timerfunctionmcancelclosetime()
closetimer = null;
// close layer when click-out
document.onclick = mclose;
That’s it! All you have to do now is add some hover styles and make it your own. Enjoy!
You will notice that the link is set to open in a new browser window. The reason for this is because if the link is not set to open in a new browser window, when the link is clicked, the page where the download link is located will sometimes disappear.
The only drawback to setting these links to open in a new browser window is that pop-up blocking software might block the new browser opening. In this case, it is suggested to instruct visitors to turn pop-up blocking programs off while downloading from your page.
A regular hyperlink can be coded instead of the one above but the visitor should be instructed to right-mouse-click/alternate-mouse-click on the link and select "Save Target As" from the menu.
Caution: Clicking a link that points to a PDF file will not cause it to download to your hard drive directly. It will only download and open the file in your web browser.
It's true you can save a copy of the PDF from the browser, but most people do not know this. For this reason, it is best to instruct people to right-mouse click the link and save the file to their hard drive.
Tip: How do you know in advance if the link you are going to click on is a normal web page, a PDF (.pdf) file, a Zip (.zip) file or an executable (.exe) program? Check the status bar before clicking.
Relative Links
The example HTML codes above illustrate hyperlinks with an absolute path. The path is absolute because the full URL is given as the value.
It is however possible to give a relative value like this:
You will notice that the value given above is relative to two things:
1. The location of the file being downloaded.
2. The location of the page where the link to the download resides.
So, if this page you are reading right now was located in the dl directory, in order for the download link to work, the HTML would need to look like this:
<a href="aff-masters.pdf">Download Link</a>
In other words, if the download page is located in the same directory as the file to be downloaded, the above code would be used.
Anchor - Local Button
Tip: Users of 1st Page 2000 free HTML editor, can simply click on the Anchor - Local button to create relative links without mistakes. This button is located on the Tabbed Palette in Expert mode.
Obviously, to use this feature, the directory structure on your web site should be the same as it is on your hard drive in order for the links to work.
The HTML Download Button
HTML buttons can also be used to download files. Visit to see these exact buttons in action across the entire website. Source
About Zip (.zip) Files
Not everybody knows how to unzip .zip files because additional software needs to be installed on the users computer in order to unzip the file. For this reason, it can be a good idea to supply a self extracting zip file so that the user can unzip the file without installing additional software.
If you would like to see a demonstration of a self extracting zip file in action, use the download link below:
After the file has downloaded, just double click the file to start unzipping. By default, the file will unzip to C:\Aff-Masters. But you can set it to unzip anywhere you want. After the file is unzipped, you will own an excellent marketing book in PDF format.
The combination of Red, Green, and Blue values from 0 to 255, gives
more than 16 million different colors (256 x 256 x 256).
If you look at the color table below, you will see the result of varying
the red light from 0 to 255, while keeping the green and blue light at zero.
To see the full list of color mixes when RED varies from
0 to 255, click on one of the HEX or RGB values below.
Red Light
Color HEX
Color RGB
Shades of Gray
Gray colors are created by using an equal amount of power to all of the light
To make it easier for you to select the correct shade, we have
created a table of gray shades for you:
Gray Shades
Color HEX
Color RGB
Web Safe Colors?
Some years ago, when computers supported max 256 different colors, a list of
216 "Web Safe Colors" was suggested as a Web standard, reserving 40 fixed system
The 216 cross-browser color palette was created to ensure that all computers
would display the colors correctly when running a 256 color palette.
This is not important today, since most computers can display millions of different colors.
Anyway, here is the list:
1) HTML Marquee Codes
If you want to get someone’s attention, then you should use the marquee codes . But,don’t use it too much,particularly if your site contains too much marquee text , it irritates and spoils the concentration of the reader.You can add marquee codes to tell your visitors what will be your next updates,popular posts,advertisements,etc.
Example 1- Bouncy Text
Example 2:Scrolling text:
Example 3: Scrolling Text
WIDTH: how wide the marquee is
HEIGHT: how tall the marquee is
DIRECTION: which direction the marquee should scroll
BEHAVIOR: what type of scrolling
SCROLLDELAY: how long to delay between each jump
SCROLLAMOUNT: how far to jump
LOOP: how many times to loop
BGCOLOR: background color
HSPACE: horizontal space around the marquee
VSPACE: vertical space around the marquee
If you don’t like to write html code , here is Marquee Code Generator
2)E-Mail Link
If you need simple but useful email link, which will allow visitors to contact you, then you should use this html code
Web developers these days are often expected to know and work in multiple languages. As a result, it’s tricky to learn everything a language has to offer and easy to find yourself not utilizing the full potential of some more specialized but very useful tags.
Unfortunately we haven’t been tapping into the full potential of these more obscure HTML tags as of late. But it’s never too late to get back into the game and start writing code that taps into the power of some under-used tags.
Here are ten of some of the most underused and misunderstood tags in HTML. While they might be less familiar, they’re still quite useful in certain situations.
1. <cite>
All of us will be familiar with the <blockquote> tag, but did you know about <blockquote>’s little brother <cite>? <cite> allows you to define the text inside of the element as a reference. Typically the browser will render the text inside of the <cite> tag in italics, but this can be changed with a touch of CSS.
The <cite> tag is really useful for citing bibliographic and other site references. Here’s an example of how to use the cite tag in a paragraph:
David Allen’s breakthrough organization book Getting Things Done has taken the web by storm.
2. <optgroup>
The <optgroup> tag is a great way to add a little definition between groups of options inside a select box. If you needed to group movie listings by time, for example, then it would look like this:
This allows the select list to visually separate the movie listings.
3. <acronym>
The <acronym> tag is a way to define or further explain a group of words. When you hover over text that has the <acronym> tag used, a box appears below with the text from the title tag. For example:
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The microblogging site <acronymtitle="Founded in 2006"> Twitter</acronym> has recently struggled with downtimes.
The microblogging site Twitter has recently struggled with downtimes.
Live demo:
SEO is full of trickery and magic.
4. <address>
The <address> tag is quite an obscure little tag, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t useful! As the name implies, <address> allows you to semantically markup addresses in HTML. The nifty little tag will also italicize all of the data within the brackets, though the style can easily be changed through simple CSS.
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<address>Glen Stansberry
1234 Web Dev Lane
Anywhere, USA
Glen Stansberry
1234 Web Dev Lane
Anywhere, USA
5. <ins> and <del>
If you’re wanting to display editing revisions with with markup, <ins> and <del> are just the ticket. Like the name implies, <ins> highlights what’s been added to the document with an underline, and <del> shows what’s been taken out with a strikethrough.
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John <del>likes</del><ins>LOVES</ins> his new iPod.
John likes LOVES his new iPod.
Live demo:
his new iPod.
6. <label>
Form elements seem the easiest to forget when marking up a document. Of the form elements, one of the most forgotten is the <label> tag. Not only is it a quick way to note the label’s text, the <label> tag can also pass a “for” attribute to specify which element is to be given the label. Not only are these <label> tags great for styling, they also allow you to make the caption clickable for the associated element.
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7. <fieldset>
Fieldset is a nifty little attribute that you can add to your forms to logically group form elements. Once applied the <fieldset> tag draws a box around the elements within the fieldset. Bonus points for adding a <label> tag within the fieldset to define the title of the group.
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<legend>Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?</legend>
Live demo:
8. <abbr>
The <abbr> tag is much akin to the <acronym> tag, except the <abbr> tag is only used to define abbreviated words. Just like <acronym>, you define a title within the tag. When a visitor hovers over the abbreviated text, the full definition appears below. The <abbr> tag is rarely used, but the benefits are many for screen readers, spellcheckers and search engines.
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<abbrtitle="Sergeant">Sgt.</abbr> Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club is my favorite album.
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club is my favorite album.
Live demo:
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club is my favorite album.
9. rel
Rel can be an insanely useful attribute, as any HTML element can have a rel applied to it. It’s helpful for passing extra variables that aren’t otherwise specified. This is helpful when using Javascript with your HTML. If you have a link that you want to edit inline, you might add:
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<arel="clickable"href="page.html">This link is editable</a>
The Javascript might be looking for a link with the rel attribute “clickable”, and it knows to apply some Ajax and allow it to be edited inline. This is one of many techniques you can use with the rel attribute, as the possibilities are endless.
10. <wbr>
The <wbr> tag is an incredibly obscure tag. To be honest, I doubt many of you have come into contact with the tag, as it’s hardly ever used. (Truthfully, I hadn’t seen the tag before I started researching this article.) Essentially, the tag allows you to specify a place where you think a line break might be useful, but only if needed. This tag is unique as it relies on the discretion of the browser to insert the linebreak, if needed. It’s perfect for creating layouts that you want to avoid having horizontal scrollbars.
If you were wanting to achieve the same effect but without using the <wbr> tag, you could also try or . It should be noted that none of these tags have full support across all browsers. To see which browsers support the tags check out this article by Quirksmode.
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<span>How do you say Supercalifragilistic<wbr>expialidocious?</span>