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HTML Button

This page contains code for creating an HTML button. Feel free to copy and paste the code into your own website or blog.
There are two basic ways of creating an HTML button; with the <button> tag, and with the <input> tag. This page provides code for both methods.

Using the <input> Tag

This example uses the <input> tag to create a basic button. Within the code, we use type="button" to set the control to a button.
In this example, we've added JavaScript to display a message to the user once they click the button.


Using the <button> Tag:

This example uses the <button> tag to create the button. This is a tag specifically for creating buttons.

The type attribute accepts 3 possible values; button, submit, and reset

HTML Button with Image:

One of the cool things about the <button> tag is that it allows you to place HTML code between the <button> and </button> tags. This example combines an image and some text.


Difference Between the <input> Tag and <button> Tag:

At first glance, it may appear that there's not much difference between using the <button> tag and <input> tag. But there are some differences.
The main difference is that the <button> tag allows you to place HTML code in between the opening and closing tags. The <input> tag is an empty tag (i.e. it doesn't have a closing tag), so you can't add content to the tag.
Another key difference between the two tags is with the value attribute. The <input> tag uses this attribute to display a label on the button (e.g. "Click me!"). With the <button> tag, on the other hand, the value attribute is submitted along with any form contents and can be used for processing.
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