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HTML Special Characters

Sometimes you should not just type your HTML straight from the keyboard (a > sign for example). The following table lists HTML special characters that you can use. See HTML Entities for more information.

To do this... Type this... Or this... Description
   ‘ left single quote
   ’ right single quote
   ‚ single low-9 quote
   “ left double quote
   ” right double quote
   „ double low-9 quote
   † dagger
   ‡ double dagger
   ‰ per mill sign
   ‹ single left-pointing angle quote
   › single right-pointing angle quote
   ♠ black spade suit
   ♣ black club suit
   ♥ black heart suit
   ♦ black diamond suit
   ★ black star
   ☆ white star
   ‾ overline, = spacing overscore
   ← leftward arrow
   ↑ upward arrow
   → rightward arrow
   ↓ downward arrow
©   © © copyright sign
   ™ trademark sign

	 horizontal tab

 line feed
    Non-breaking space
!   ! exclamation mark
"   " " double quotation mark
#   # number sign
$   $ dollar sign
%   % percent sign
&   & & ampersand
'   ' apostrophe
(   ( left parenthesis
)   ) right parenthesis
*   * asterisk
+   + plus sign
,   , comma
-   - hyphen
.   . period
·   · · middle dot
   • bullet
/   ⁄ / slash
0 - 9 0-

digits 0-9
:   : colon
;   &#59; semicolon
<   &lt; &#60; less-than sign
=   &#61; equals sign
>   &gt; &#62; greater-than sign
?   &#63; question mark
@   &#64; at sign
A - Z &#65;-

uppercase letters A-Z
[   &#91; left square bracket
\   &#92; backslash
]   &#93; right square bracket
^   &#94; caret
_   &#95; horizontal bar (underscore)
`   &#96; grave accent
a - z &#97;-

lowercase letters a-z
{   &#123; left curly brace
|   &#124; vertical bar
/   &frasl; &#47; slash
°   &deg; &#176; degree sign
±   &plusmn; &#177; plus or minus
²   &sup2; &#178; superscript two
³   &sup3; &#179; superscript three
´   &acute; &#180; acute accent
µ   &micro; &#181; micro sign
   &para; &#182; paragraph sign
¸   &cedil; &#184; cedilla
¹   &sup1; &#185; superscript one
º   &ordm; &#186; masculine ordinal
   &raquo; &#187; right angle quote
¼   &frac14; &#188; one-fourth
½   &frac12; &#189; one-half
¾   &frac34; &#190; three-fourths
¿   &iquest; &#191; inverted question mark
À   &Agrave; &#192; uppercase A, grave accent
Á   &Aacute; &#193; uppercase A, acute accent
   &Acirc; &#194; uppercase A, circumflex accent
à  &Atilde; &#195; uppercase A, tilde
Ä   &Auml; &#196; uppercase A, umlaut
Å   &Aring; &#197; uppercase A, ring
Æ   &AElig; &#198; uppercase AE
Ç   &Ccedil; &#199; uppercase C, cedilla
È   &Egrave; &#200; uppercase E, grave accent
É   &Eacute; &#201; uppercase E, acute accent
Ê   &Ecirc; &#202; uppercase E, circumflex accent
Ë   &Euml; &#203; uppercase E, umlaut
Ì   &Igrave; &#204; uppercase I, grave accent
Í   &Iacute; &#205; uppercase I, acute accent
Π  &Icirc; &#206; uppercase I, circumflex accent
Ï   &Iuml; &#207; uppercase I, umlaut
Р  &ETH; &#208; uppercase Eth, Icelandic
Ñ   &Ntilde; &#209; uppercase N, tilde
Ò   &Ograve; &#210; uppercase O, grave accent
Ó   &Oacute; &#211; uppercase O, acute accent
Ô   &Ocirc; &#212; uppercase O, circumflex accent
Õ   &Otilde; &#213; uppercase O, tilde
Ö   &Ouml; &#214; uppercase O, umlaut
×   &times; &#215; multiplication sign
Ø   &Oslash; &#216; uppercase O, slash
Ù   &Ugrave; &#217; uppercase U, grave accent
Ú   &Uacute; &#218; uppercase U, acute accent
Û   &Ucirc; &#219; uppercase U, circumflex accent
Ü   &Uuml; &#220; uppercase U, umlaut
Ý   &Yacute; &#221; uppercase Y, acute accent
Þ   &THORN; &#222; uppercase THORN, Icelandic
ß   &szlig; &#223; lowercase sharps, German
à   &agrave; &#224; lowercase a, grave accent
á   &aacute; &#225; lowercase a, acute accent
â   &acirc; &#226; lowercase a, circumflex accent
ã   &atilde; &#227; lowercase a, tilde
ä   &auml; &#228; lowercase a, umlaut
å   &aring; &#229; lowercase a, ring
æ   &aelig; &#230; lowercase ae
ç   &ccedil; &#231; lowercase c, cedilla
è   &egrave; &#232; lowercase e, grave accent
é   &eacute; &#233; lowercase e, acute accent
ê   &ecirc; &#234; lowercase e, circumflex accent
ë   &euml; &#235; lowercase e, umlaut
ì   &igrave; &#236; lowercase i, grave accent
í   &iacute; &#237; lowercase i, acute accent
î   &icirc; &#238; lowercase i, circumflex accent
ï   &iuml; &#239; lowercase i, umlaut
ð   &eth; &#240; lowercase eth, Icelandic
ñ   &ntilde; &#241; lowercase n, tilde
ò   &ograve; &#242; lowercase o, grave accent
ó   &oacute; &#243; lowercase o, acute accent
ô   &ocirc; &#244; lowercase o, circumflex accent
õ   &otilde; &#245; lowercase o, tilde
ö   &ouml; &#246; lowercase o, umlaut
÷   &divide; &#247; division sign
ø   &oslash; &#248; lowercase o, slash
ù   &ugrave; &#249; lowercase u, grave accent
ú   &uacute; &#250; lowercase u, acute accent
û   &ucirc; &#251; lowercase u, circumflex accent
ü   &uuml; &#252; lowercase u, umlaut
ý   &yacute; &#253; lowercase y, acute accent
þ   &thorn; &#254; lowercase thorn, Icelandic
ÿ   &yuml; &#255; lowercase y, umlaut
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