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HTML Font Code

Here are some HTML font codes that you can copy/paste straight into your website or MySpace page. Once you've pasted the code, you can change the values as required.
TIP: You can make it easy on yourself by using the text generator.

Quick Example

The following font code sets common properties such as font size, line height, font family, and font color. Here are some more colors to choose from.

The above code results in this:
This font is 14pt, the line height is 20pt, it's color is orange, and the font family will be 'Garamond'. If the user's computer doesn't have 'Garamond', it will use 'Georgia'. Failing that it will use the default 'serif' font on the user's computer (this is often 'Times' or 'Times Roman' - just leave it as 'serif'). You can also specify bold text and italics if you wish!

Font Family

If you only want to specify the font family, you can use the 'font-family' property:

The above code results in this:
HTML font code is done using CSS.

Font Size

If you only want to specify the font size, you can use the 'font-size' property:

The above code results in this:
HTML font code is done using CSS.


If you only want to specify the font color, you can use the 'color' property (more colors):

The above code results in this:
HTML font code is done using CSS.


You can make your font bold by using the 'font-weight' property:

The above code results in this:

HTML font code is done using CSS.
If you only want to bold some of the text inline, you can use the HTML 'span' tag:

The above code results in this:
You can bold parts of your text using the HTML 'span' tag.

Italic Text

You can make your text italic by using the 'font-style' property:

The above code results in this:
HTML font code is done using CSS.
If you only want to make some of the text italic, you can use the HTML 'span' tag:

The above code results in this:
You can make some of your text italic using the HTML 'span' tag.
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